When a number can be divided by another number without leaving a remainder, it is called divisible. For example, 10 is divisible by 2 because when we divide 10 by 2, there is no remainder.
No, 252 is an even number because it is divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder.
How about 27
To determine if a number is even or odd, you can check if the number is divisible by 2. If the number is divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder, then it is even. If the number is not divisible by 2 or leaves a remainder when divided by 2, then it is odd.
The number 304962 is even because even numbers are integers that are exactly divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder. In this case, 304962 can be divided by 2 without any remainder, making it an even number.
When a number can be divided by another number without leaving a remainder, it is called divisible. For example, 10 is divisible by 2 because when we divide 10 by 2, there is no remainder.
Yes, 15298 is divisible by 2 because it is an even number. In mathematical terms, a number is divisible by 2 if it leaves no remainder when divided by 2. In this case, 15298 divided by 2 equals 7649, which is a whole number without any remainder.
Yes, 928 is divisible by two because it is an even number. A number is divisible by two if it can be divided evenly by 2 without leaving a remainder. In this case, 928 divided by 2 equals 464, which is a whole number without any remainder, confirming that 928 is indeed divisible by two.
No, 83 is not divisible by 3. When a number is divisible by another number, it means that the division will result in a whole number without a remainder. In this case, when you divide 83 by 3, you get 27 with a remainder of 2, which means 83 is not divisible by 3.
No, 252 is an even number because it is divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder.
How about 27
It is not possible, because the number 4 is divisible by 2, and it's remainder is divisible by 2 also, so whatever number works for the "4 with a remainder of 2", will never work for "2 with a remainder of 1.
To determine if a number is even or odd, you can check if the number is divisible by 2. If the number is divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder, then it is even. If the number is not divisible by 2 or leaves a remainder when divided by 2, then it is odd.
Yes, and the result is 60.5 (any rational number is divisible by 2) but I suspect the questioner might be thinking of "divisible by 2 with no remainder". On that path you start out by finding 60, with remainder 1. Sometimes the question is put as "is it Exactly divisible by 2?". Again, technically any rational number is "exactly" divisible by 2, but the word "exactly" has commonly come to imply "without remainder". So be careful.
The number 304962 is even because even numbers are integers that are exactly divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder. In this case, 304962 can be divided by 2 without any remainder, making it an even number.
The smallest number that's divisible by 708 without a remainder is 708. None of the numbers 2-10 can do the job.
not without a remainder/decimal. the answer is 589 remainder 2 or 589.5