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Q: What is a number times itself called?
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What is a number times itself equal to one called?

Such a number is called, "The square root of 1".

What is a number that must be multiplied times itself to equal a given number what is it called?

The number is called a 'square root'.

This is a number that when multiplied by itself three times equals a given number?

The number is called a "cube root"

What is it called when we multiple a number by itself?

It is squaring the number as for example 5 times 5 = 25

Why is it that when you square a number it is called squared?

Yes, when you multipy a number by itself it is called squaring the number. 5 squared = 5 times 5 = 25

What is a number you multiple by itself called?

The result is a square number as for example 3 times 3 = 9 which is a square number

What is any number times itself called?

It's called a square number, or simply a square. The name comes from the fact that the sides of a geometric square are equal in length so its area is simply the length of one side times itself.

What is multiplying the number by itself called?

A number that is multiplied by itself is called a base when it is written in exponential notation. Exponential notation consists of the number to be multiplied and a numeral in superscript to the right of it to indicate the number of times it is to be multiplied by itself. When the multiplication process is written out in full, the number is called a factor. The number may also be considered a multiplier or multiplicand when the equation is written this way.

What does the little 2 mean in math?

I think you mean the symbol for the power to which a number is raised. The two is called "squared"- that is when a number is multiplied times itself- 3 squared is 9. You will also see the small 3- "Cubed"- number times itself, times itself. 3 cubed is 27- 3x3x3.

When you multiply a number by itself multiple times it is called what?

multiplying a number by itself is a power 2^2=2 to the 2nd power 2^3=2 to the 3rd power

How many digits would be in the product 2 multiplied 30 times?

When a number is multiplied by itself, its product is called its exponent. When a number is multiplied by itself 30 times, this is the number's 30th exponent, or its 30th power. Two multiplied by two 30 times is 1,073,741,824. It has 10 digits.

What is one binary number called by itself?

=One Binary number by itself is called a Bit.=