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A simple example, where the set A = Z is f(x) = 2x.

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Q: What is a one to one mapping from set A to A which is not onto A?
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How do you identify a function?

A function is a mapping from one set to another such that each element from the first set is mapped onto exactly one element from the second set.

What are the difference among direct mapping associative mapping and set associative mapping?

The differences among direct mapping and set-associative mapping :Direct mapping : Each line in main memory maps onto a single cache line.Set-associative : Each line in main memory maps onto a small (collection) set of cache line.Direct mapping : A memory block is mapped into a unique cache line, depending on the memory address of the respective block.Set-associative : A memory block is mapped into any of the line of a set. The set is determined by the memory address, but the line inside the set can be any one.dont knowyet

What are the differences among direct mapping associative mapping and set associative mapping?

In direct mapping, each block of main memory can only be mapped to one specific cache line. In associative mapping, each block of main memory can be loaded into any cache line. Set associative mapping is a combination of both, where each block of main memory can be mapped to a subset of cache lines rather than just one.

How do you calculate numbers in a math data set?

To calculate the cardinality of a set you need to establish a 1-to-1 mapping from the set onto Z, the set of counting numbers.

What is denumerable set and its examples?

A denumerable set, S, is an infinite set such that the set of counting numbers can be mapped, one-to-one, with the elements of S.The set of all positive even numbers, for example, is denumerable.The mapping x: -> 2x (x >0) is the relevant 1-to-1 mapping.

How do you prove the set of rational numbers are uncountable?

They are not. They are countably infinite. That is, there is a one-to-one mapping between the set of rational numbers and the set of counting numbers.

What is a algebra mapping?

A mapping consists of two sets and a rule for assigning to each element in the first set one or more elements in the second set. We say that A is mapped to B and write this as m: A→B.

What is domain mean in math?

The word is used in the context of sets and mappings. A mapping is a relationship between two sets. To each element in one set, the domain, the mapping allocated one element in the other set, the co-domain or range.

What relations are function in math?

A function is a mapping from one set to another such that each element of the first set (the domain) is mapped to one element of the second set (the range).

What is the mapping between a set of input and a set of output?

It is simply a mapping. It could be a function but there are several conditions that need to be met before the mapping can become a function and there is no basis for assuming that those conditions are met.

What is mapping between a set of inputs and a set of outputs?

It is simply a mapping. It could be a function but there are several conditions that need to be met before the mapping can become a function and there is no basis for assuming that those conditions are met.

What is The mapping between a set of inputs and a set of outputs?

It is simply a mapping. It could be a function but there are several conditions that need to be met before the mapping can become a function and there is no basis for assuming that those conditions are met.