1661 is a palindromic number.
'palindromic' means 'reads the same forward and backward', such as 'mom' and 'noon'. So yes, 878 a palindromic number.
89 does not have any other number - palindromic or otherwise.
As 20569.8 is not palindromic, any number that is like it must contain that property and similarly be non-palindromic, so no.
U Nu
U Nu.
1661 is a palindromic number.
You call it a palindromic sentence. If it isn't a sentence it is a palindromic phrase or palindromic sequence.
There are not just 13 non-palindromic numbers. Most numbers are non-palindromic.
"Palindromic" is the adjective form of "palindrome."
Anais Nin is a diarist and author. Her last name is a palindrome.
Example of a palindromic number is 16461.A palindromic number reads the same from both ends, which 16 fails to do.