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like a road or a trail?

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Q: What is a path from one point to another?
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What is a straight path from one point to another?

A line.

What is a straight path from one point to another called?

A line.

The process of determining the best path from Point A on one network to Point B on another is known as?

This is known as routing.

What is the total path length transverse by an object in moving from one point to another?

the object's displacement.

How do you describe a path?

A path is a route or track that provides direction or guides movement from one point to another. It can be physical, such as a trail or road, or abstract, such as a progression of steps or decisions toward a goal.

What is a Euler path or circuit?

An euler path is when you start and one point and end at another in one sweep wirthout lifting you pen or pencil from the paper. An euler circuit is simiar to an euler path exept you must start and end in the same place you started.

What is a path or road from one to another called?


What is the length of the path followed during motion?

The length of the path followed during motion is the total distance covered by an object moving from one point to another. It can be calculated by summing up the distances between consecutive points along the path.

Explain the path of one type of rock changing into another What if your path should include at least one intermediate form of rock?

Explain the path of one type of rock changing into another. Your path should include at least one intermediate form of rock

Light will almost always travel from one place to another along a path of least?

resistance, which is known as the principle of least time in physics. Light will follow the path that minimizes the time it takes to travel from one point to another, even if the path appears curved or indirect to an observer. This principle is a fundamental aspect of light's behavior as it travels through different mediums.

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Is coulomb law conservative forces?

Yes, Coulomb's law describes conservative forces because the work done by the electric force moving a charge in an electric field is path-independent. This means that the work done in moving the charge from one point to another is the same, regardless of the path taken.