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Q: What is a person who is mucus thicker than normal?
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soft drink bottles are made thicker than normal ones because it will be easier for us to differenciate in both (both=normal bottles and soft drink bottles)

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I recently just got off birth control its been about 8 days and I have noticed I have had a lot more discharge than normal Its white yellowish cloudy color and creamy is this normal?

Yes, it's very normal. One of the ways hormonal birth control prevents pregnancy is to make the cervical mucus thicker so it's harder for sperm to get through. Once you stop hormonal birth control, you will begin to see a normal cycle of cervical mucus again, which will change throughout your menstrual cycle. If the discharge has no odor and no itching, there is no need for concern.

Why do you have to urinate often during first trimester?

I doubt you are peeing mucus, it is more likely that you can see mucus when you pee. The mucus is caused by the hormones telling your body to create more of it than normal. However, if you are actually peeing mucus, you need to speak to your doctor as soon as possible, because you could have a yeast infection

Do kidneys hurt from dehydration?

yes, the blood is thicker than normal so your kidneys have to work harder to filter the waste.

Is 0.01 thicker than 0.09?

no 0.10 is thicker, but 0.09 is nine times thicker than 0.01

What is thicker than what on a convex lens?

The center is thicker than the borders.The center is thicker than the borders.The center is thicker than the borders.The center is thicker than the borders.

You discharge a lot is it because of birth control?

Cervical mucus serves several functions, it keeps the vagina clean by washing away anything in it's path, it is also associated with your fertility cycle, from a creamy, milky - white to a thin, clear, tacky jell that sticks and stretches. While using hormonal birth control the mucus is thicker, in an attempt to slow down or prevent sperm from entering the uterus or fallopian tubes. It may seem like more than normal, just because what you have tends to be thicker, all the time. Any mucus that has a strong, unpleasant odor, is accompanied burning or itching - could be signs of an infection and should be discussed with your OB/GYN, midwife or family doctor.

Do wolves have thicker skin than humans?

yes much thicker than humans thir bones are thicker too

What is thicker 6mm or 2mm?

6mm is thicker than 2mm. It has a greater thickness of 4mm.

Is 1.125 thicker than 1.78?

no 1.78 is 0.655 thicker than 1.125