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Q: What is a plot of land assigned to an individual or family for cultivations?
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How are resources divided?

these r divided in to following groups: individual groups: these are owned by the individuals examples are houses ,land owned by a person village or a city

What is a property number?

Sounds like the same as a street number or house number. There may or may not be a building on the property. For example if a piece of property is located at 100 North Main Street. The property number could be 100. Another possibility is a lot number. When a piece of land is first developed, the developer typically divides it into sections, then each section may be divided into blocks. Finally each block is divide into lots. So the lot may be assigned something like Section 2, Block 1, Lot 6. These make up the legal description of the property, and are recorded with the local government. These are assigned before the actual postal addresses are assigned.

What is a zero lot line with single family homes?

The property line for dwelling "A" butts up to the dwelling of"B". the land belongs to A and it goes on that way through out the neighborhood

How much land would a Marquess or Margraves march have in acres or miles squared I dont mind?

A Marquess, Marquis or Margrave, was a title given to a nobleman in various European peerages that stemmed as a hereditary rank. The amount of land they would own, which was called a march, would depend on how much the family owned. Thier land was always on the border of another country.

How many acres are used for agriculture in Indiana?

In 2007 at the most recent USDA census of agriculture, there were 14.773 million acres of Indiana being farmed on a total of nearly 61,000 individual farms. This represents a drop of 2% from the 2002 census, and is about 63% of the state's total land area.

Related questions

What is a plot of land assigned to an individual for cultivation call?

A plot of land assigned to an individual for cultivation is typically called an allotment. Allotments are commonly used for growing fruits, vegetables, and other crops for personal use or small-scale production.

A plot of land assigned to an individual for cultivation?

An allotment is a plot of land assigned to an individual for cultivation purposes. It is typically used for growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, or herbs for personal use. Allotments are usually small in size and are commonly found in community gardens or urban areas.

What is all about agriculture?

Its about the growing of food, for own purpose or cormmercial purpose. There are different groups such as shifting cultivations, wet rice cultivation, non-land cultivation and more.

How was the land divided in the zhou dynasty?

to nobles. each noble was assigned land

What is chakbandi?

It is the rearrangement of landholdings among different owners of a land in a manner such that the land holdings of individual/family, instead of being scattered, become consolidated at one place.

What word means a piece of land?

An "estate" is a broad term that can refer to a piece of land, including buildings and other assets, typically owned by one individual or a family.

Military force that fight on land?

A military force that fights on land is the army for that is what they were first assigned to do.

How much land is assigned to The Sugarcane Feeds Center?

60 hectares

Who tells the piolt to land?

He gets clearance from the tower & assigned a runway.

How did the Logan family get their land?

The Logan family inherited their land from their grandfather, who bought it after emancipation. The land was originally owned by the Granger family, who were white landowners in the area.

Did the Dawes Act divide reservation land into individual plots with each Native American family receiving approximately 160 acres of land on average?

Under the Dawes Act of 1887, the head of a family received 160 acres of Indian owned land. Single people over the age of 18 received 80 acres and minors received 40 acres.

What is subdivide?

Subdivided land within Second Life is the term used for a parcel of land that has been divided up and sectioned into smaller plots. Once subdivided, these plots can be assigned their own individual status and settings. Subdivided plots are listed individually in search and each has their own landing point. You must be the owner of the land or have land rights to subdivide. Subdivided plots with the same owner can be re-joined into one larger parcel using the land tool.