Polystyrene is often sold in bulk on a m3 (cubic meter) price in Europe The cost is also effected by the density of the polystyrene. That is assuming your talking of expanded polystyrene foam, polystyrene is also available in hard plastic sheet form. dunno
a cube is 'un cube' in French.
9 cube !
volume is to a cube volume is to a cube
Total surface area of a cube = 6*area of cube face = 6*cube side*cube side
Polystyrene is NOT biodegradable
Rigid polystyrene is a hard plastic Rigid polystyrene is a hard plastic
Because polystyrene is the polymer of the monomer styrene; poli in the Greek language has the meaning of many.
Polystyrene is a kind of hard plastic.
Polystyrene is obtained by the polymerization of the monomer styrene.
The other name for polystyrene is Styrofoam.
Polystyrene was discovered in Germany. Eduard Simon discovered it in 1839. He was from Berlin. Polystyrene is also called thermocole.
Methanol is suitable for precipitating polystyrene because it is a good non-solvent for polystyrene. When added to a polystyrene solution, methanol reduces the solubility of polystyrene, causing the polymer to precipitate out of the solution. This allows for the isolation of the polystyrene from the solvent.
Its quite fun to pretend your King Kong and break the polystyrene!
Styrofoam... it's like polystyrene
Polystyrene is formed from only one monomer - styrene.
The common name for air-bubbled polystyrene is expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam, also known as Styrofoam.