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Q: What is a positive chemotactic response?
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What are Differences between phototactic and chemotactic stimuli?

Phototactic stimuli are related to an organism's response to light, where they move towards or away from light sources. Chemotactic stimuli involve an organism's response to chemical signals in their environment, leading to movement towards or away from the source of the chemical. Both types of stimuli play important roles in an organism's survival and behavior.

What is the difference between a positive and negative response in biology?

In biology, a positive response refers to an increase in a physiological activity or signal, such as cell division or hormone secretion, in response to a stimulus. A negative response, on the other hand, involves a decrease in a physiological activity or signal in response to a stimulus.

Looking forward to hear positive response on the above?

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What effect does chemotactic factor have on the inflammatory process?

It directs leukocytes to the inflamed area

What is a positive tropic response?

A positive tropic response is when an organism moves or grows towards a stimulus, such as light or nutrients. This type of response helps the organism to find resources or suitable conditions for survival and growth.

What can be defined as a root's downward growth as a response to gravity?

A root's downward growth as a response to gravity is called positive gravitropism or positive geotropism.

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is Looking forward for a positive response is a right sentence?

Yes, "Looking forward to a positive response" is the correct sentence. "For" should be changed to "to" to make it grammatically accurate.

What is positive response?

A positive response is when someone reacts favorably or acknowledges something in an affirmative manner. It involves showing agreement, support, or enthusiasm towards a situation, idea, or proposal.

Word starting with Y meaning positive?

Yes is a positive response. It begins with the letter Y.

Is it correct to say I look forward for a positive response?

No, it is grammatically incorrect. The correct way to say it is "I look forward to a positive response."