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If you add the first and the last number, you have a sum of 101. The second number from the left and the second number from the right will also add up to 101. If you continue in this way, you get 50 pairs of numbers, each of which has a sum of 101, so the final result is 50 x 101.

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Q: What is a quicker way to find the sum of numbers 1 to 100?
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The following is for F95 and later (due to the use of intrinsic SUM ): My assumptions: -Your numbers are integers -Your numbers are stored in an array -The numbers you are describing are 0-100 program findSum !I assumed integer, replace this with your data type integer, dimension(100) :: numbers integer :: sumOfNumbers !We populate an array with our numbers !Replace this with your numbers do i=1,(size(numbers)+1) numbers = i end do !We find the sum of those numbers sumOfNumbers = sum(numbers) !We write out the sum to prompt write(*,*) 'Sum is: ', sumOfNumbers end program findSum

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The sum of the first 100 numbers, excluding zero, is 5,001.

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The sum of the numbers from 1 through 100 is 5,050.

The sum of two numbers is 14. The sum of two squares is 100. Find the two numbers.?

Two Numbers are 8 and 6. This is how. 8 + 6 = 14 and 8*8 + 6*6 = 64 + 36 = 100

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The sum of the first 100 odd numbers is 10,000.

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The sum of the cubes of the first 100 whole numbers is 25,502,500.

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The sum of the first 100 positive even numbers is 10,100.

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What is the difference between the sum of the squares of the first one hundred natural numbers and the square of the sum?

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