Dividing by decimal is different from dividing by whole number as you have to multiply by a number to remove the decimal.
Finding the unit price of an object when the price for several of them is not a whole number of currency units. For example, how much is each banana if a bunch of four bananas costs 1.44?
If you mean as in a whole number then it is 7
Try dividing the number by 19. If the answer is a whole number (with no remainder), then the number is divisible by 19.
You can convert a percentage into a whole number by dividing it by 100. For example, if we have 500%, to convert this into a whole number you do: 500/100 = 5 Thus 500% is equivalent to 5.
Dividing by decimal is different from dividing by whole number as you have to multiply by a number to remove the decimal.
multiply by the reciprocal of the whole number
Not necessarily.
Unlike dividing by a whole number, dividing buy a decimal number cannot be done directly - the divisor must first be converted to a whole number (and then the division can be done). The easiest way to do this conversion is to keep multiplying the divisor by 10 until a whole number is obtained; however, whatever is done to the divisor must also be done to the dividend, so by whatever the divisor is multiplied, the dividend must also be multiplied.
Finding the unit price of an object when the price for several of them is not a whole number of currency units. For example, how much is each banana if a bunch of four bananas costs 1.44?
If you mean as in a whole number then it is 7
The same way as multiplying a whole number by an ordinary fraction: Multiply the numerator (top number) by the whole number and put it over the original denominator (bottom number). This can then be simplified by dividing the numerator and denominator by their highest common factor; or it can be converted into a decimal (which could be a whole number) by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
Change the number to a whole number. Like if the problem was 12.128/0.032 you would change it to 12.128/0.032 The answer would easily be 379 because I changed 0.032 to just 32 and then divided it
by adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying.
Try dividing the number by 19. If the answer is a whole number (with no remainder), then the number is divisible by 19.