As one of the railroad's best conductors, my grandfather was in charge of conduction.
A fjord is a real world example of a fjord! They exist in the real world.
2 is a real world prime number.
a example of a hendecagon is a hedecagon
A real world example of what? Math in general? Geometry nets? Name the math concept and it'll be easier for readers to give you a real world example.
A real-world example of poetry can be anything that focuses on a real event that happened. For example, it could be about the Twin Towers, Great Wall of China, or about the wars the USA. had to go through.
A fjord is a real world example of a fjord! They exist in the real world.
CONDUCTION:- Touching a stove and being burned Ice cooling down your hand Boiling water by thrusting a red-hot piece of iron into it
The Equator is a real world example, being the circumference of the Earth.
Of what?
It is an example of conduction
where could you find a pentagon in the real world
Example is too omitted to be real. Example is much more unresponsive
an example of conduction is a metal spoon in a cup of hot water...
An iron is an example of conduction. When you iron clothes, heat from the iron is transferred directly through the metal plate to the clothes, which is a form of conduction.
When you touch a hot pan on the stove and feel the heat transferring from the pan to your hand, that is an example of conduction.
2 is a real world prime number.