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Q: What is a real world situation that could be modeled by the equation 100-6x160-10x?
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That's not an equation by definition. It may be a term for something, but alone neither the letters nor values mean anything.

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It is an equation. It could be an algebraic equation, or a trigonometric equation, a differential equation or whatever, but it is still an equation.

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3x + 2y = 8 This is an equation. It could be the equation of a line.

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An equation with only one variable has only one letter used in it, and that letter is usually an "x" An equation having two variables will have two different letters representing them, usually the letters "x" and "y" The first type could be the equation 5x^3 - 3x^2 + 6x - 50 = 0 The second type could be (x +y)^2 - 7x^3 + 12x = 58.8 1 equations with only 1 variable are usually much easier to solve than an equation with 2 variables, and you cannot solve the latter unless you have two separate equations containing the two variables.

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"Try as he might, he could not solve the equation."