

Best Answer

There are no reasonable scientific alternatives to cell evolution, especially since the endosymbiotic theory is now widely accepted.

I an sure you can think of some unreasonable alternative to cell evolution.

Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. Cells could be though as organisms is unicellular especially.

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Q: What is a reasonable and logical alternative to evolution of a cell?
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What is a reasonable alternative to evolution of a cell?

One reasonable alternative to the theory of evolution for the origin of cells is the theory of panspermia, where life on Earth originated from microorganisms or chemical precursors brought here by comets, asteroids, or other celestial bodies. This theory suggests that life did not originate on Earth but was seeded from elsewhere in the universe.

An alternative to evolution of a cell is?

One alternative to evolution of a cell is creationism, which holds that living organisms were created by a higher power rather than evolving through natural selection. Another alternative is the theory of intelligent design, which proposes that certain features of living organisms are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than by natural selection.

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Scientific alternatives to Darwin's theory of evolution?

Darwin's original theory was formulated over 150 years ago. The modern theory of evolution, while still basically the same as Darwin's, is also significantly different. In either case, there is no scientific alternative to the origin of biodiversity.This is equivalent to how there is no scientific alternative to Atomic Theory.

Why is it logical to conclude that bacteria are made of cells?

It is logical to conclude that bacteria are made of cells because the bacterium is a prokaryotic cell which only includes one cell.

What cell theory contradicts evolution?

Cell theory does not contradict evolution. Cell theory states that all living organisms are composed of cells, while evolution explains how these cells and organisms change over time through the process of natural selection. Both concepts are supported by scientific evidence and are compatible with each other.

What cell in Excel has a numerical value of zero?

A cell with zero in it, a cell that is blank and a cell that has the logical value FALSE in it will all have the numerical value zero.

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How does the cell theory show that Darwin's theory of evolution was incorrect?

The cell theory and Darwin's theory of evolution are not mutually exclusive; rather, they complement each other. The cell theory explains the fundamental unit of life, while Darwin's theory of evolution describes how species change over time through natural selection. The cell theory provides the biological foundation for understanding the processes that drive evolution.

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