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A two-dimensional shape (polygon) is said to be "regular" (or equilateral) if all its sides are the same length and all its angles are the same angle. A regular pentagon, for example, has 72-degree angles on all five angles, and all its five sides are the same length.

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Q: What is a regular two dimensional shape?
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What is a two dimensional shape with all sides equal?

A square. Answer: Any regular polygon.

What is the word for a shape that has 5 sides?

A shape with 5 sides is called a pentagon.

What is the inside of a two dimensional shape called?

The inside of a two-dimensional shape is called its interior.

What is the difference between a two dimensional shape and a solid shape?

the difference between a two dimensional shape and and a solid is that a two dimensional shape is plane and a solid you can see the whole shape a the inside.

Is a cylinder shape a regular or not regular polygon?

Cylinder is not a polygon as it is a 3 dimensional object.

Is circle a regular 2d shape?

Yes. It is. Since we can write it either in radial or parametric terms, its a Two Dimensional phase.

what is a shape with 6 sides?

A shape with 6 sides is called a hexagon. It's a two-dimensional flat shape with straight sides. The word "hexagon" comes from the Greek words "hexa" meaning "six" and "gonia" meaning "corner" or "angle". So, a hexagon has six corners and six angles as well.

Does an oval have a three dimensional shape?

An oval is two-dimensional. An ovoid is a three-dimensional shape based on an oval - like an egg,

Is an octagon a 2 dimensional shape?

Yes, it's a 2-dimensional regular polygon with 8 equal sides.

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How do you do volume of a irregular shape that is two dimensional?

If a shape is two dimensional it has NO volume - volume is an attribute of THREE dimensional shapes.If you meant the AREA of an irregular two dimensional shape, then divided it up into areas which are not irregular and so you can calculates them, and sum the areas of these non-irregular shapes.If you meant the volume of an irregular THREE dimensional shape, then a similar process can be followed by dividing it up into three dimensional shapes you can can calculate the volume of and summing them, though if it is an irregular object that you are physically holding, then you can find its volume by finding the increase in volume of a liquid (In a regular container) when the object is submerged into that liquid.

Is a cylinder a two-dimensonal shape or a three-dimensional shape?

Three-dimensional. It has height, width and depth.