A scale is used to measure things...I see you've tagged "tornadoes" so you may be referring to the Fugita Scale--which is used to measure the damage caused by a tornado.
A scale is used to measure a weight of an object
a scale
When you are in the US or its territories.
Richter scale for earthquakes.
proportions are used in scale factors; scale factors ARE proportions
The scale used to measure the strength of an earthquake is called the Richter scale
the Fujita scale (not the fajita scale) is used to tell how powerful a tornado is.
A scale is used to measure a weight of an object
Phrygian Dominant Scale
The Fujita scale is used to classify tornadoes.
Mercalli Scale is used!
it is a scale that used to select
proportions are used in scale factors; scale factors ARE proportions
A newton sacle is used by putting something on the scale
A magnitude scale. Formerly the Richter magnitude scale was used, but this has now been replaced by the Moment magnitude scale.
A spring scale
Richter scale