footnote 7
"It is easy to use an exponent in a sentence." There, that sentence uses it!
you just used it in a sentence... How do you use mathematical in a sentence? is a sentence
There is a high probability that this sentence will not qualify as a good sentence.
The city council passed an ordinance banning smoking in public parks.
The city council passed an ordinance banning smoking in public parks.
The city council enacted an ordinance banning parking on the street overnight.
The city council adopted an ordinance outlawing the use of engine brakes.
It is capitalized at the beginning of the sentence or when it forms part of the proper noun. Examples: An ordinance is a law passed by the municipal government. The Criminal Law Ordinance was amended last week.
He filed for an injunction against police enforcement of the ordinance.
The city council passed an ordinance requiring all residents to keep their sidewalks clear of snow during the winter months.
The city council passed an ordinance that prohibited parking on lawns.(*NOTE : the nearly-identical word "ordnance" is a military term for explosives)
The city council may disestablish a district by ordinance after a hearing before the city council.
An ordinance is a set of laws
An ordinance is a set of laws
Northwest Ordinance