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Could it be called Discrete Probability Function?

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Q: What is a set of numbers in which each number has an equal chance of appearing?
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What is the probability of choosing odd number?

If you chose the number out of an equal numberof odd and even numbers then it would be 50% chance. Like if you chose an odd number out of the numbers from 1 to 100

You take a number from the number queue but you miss your number being called do you lose your place in line?

Yes. The reason for the numbers is to give everyone an equal chance in line. "If you snooze, you lose."

Why does to even numbers equal a odd number?

What! Even numbers never equal an odd number. Not ever!

Does a double negative number equal a positive number?

no it doesnt. two negative numbers equal a negative number. two postivie numbers equal a positive number. one negative and one positive number equal a negative number.

What are four consecutive odd numbers that equal thirteen?

2 odd numbers added together equal an event number. to even numbers added together equal an even number. it is impossible to make 4 odd numbers equal an even.

What two numbers equal 185?

There are no two such numbers. 185 is equal to 185. No other number is equal to 185.

What three numbers equal 80?

There's only one number that's equal to 80. It's 80.There's a good chance that there could be three numbers whose sum is 80, or threedifferent numbers whose joint product is 80, but the question doesn't ask for those.

What 2 numbers equal A?

If ' A ' is a number, then that's one of them.The other number must be the same as the first number, becausetwo different numbers can't both be equal to the same number.So both of the two numbers that equal ' A ' must be the same number that ' A ' is.

What 5 numbers will equal 40?

There is only one number that equals 40 . The number is 40 . There are no other numbers that equal 40 .

What is a random number table?

Random numbers (or random deviates) are numbers chosen totally by chance, but also conform to a certain distribution. The most common distribution is the uniform distribution. If I say that a number is chosen totally by chance between 1 and 100, and there is equal chance that every number between 1 and 100 can be chosen, then this is a uniformly distributed random number. If I list these generated numbers in a table, then this is a random number table. A program like Excel can easily generate uniform random numbers from 0 to 1, by entering +rand() into a column in the spreadsheet. To calculate a new table, press F9.

What two equal numbers when multiplied equal 196.08?

Two equal numbers mutiplied is the square root of that number. The answer is 14.002856.

What are the 4 odd numbers equal to 27?

This is not possible, 27 is an odd number, 4 odd numbers will always equal an even number.