This is not possible, 27 is an odd number, 4 odd numbers will always equal an even number.
The sum of any four odd numbers will never be equal to an odd number.
Addition of an even number of odd numbers will always equal an even number. Take, for example, 1, 3, 5, 7, the sum of which is 16.It is impossible to add four numbers up to 27 using merely odd numbers.
2 odd numbers added together equal an event number. to even numbers added together equal an even number. it is impossible to make 4 odd numbers equal an even.
Odd numbers are not divisible by even numbers.
I was able to get the number 30 by adding 4 odd numbers 3 + 7 + 5 + 15 = 30 But i can't add 5 odd numbers to get 30
The sum of any four odd numbers will never be equal to an odd number.
The sum of any four odd numbers will never be equal to an odd number.
The sum of any four odd numbers will never be equal to an odd number.
Addition of an even number of odd numbers will always equal an even number. Take, for example, 1, 3, 5, 7, the sum of which is 16.It is impossible to add four numbers up to 27 using merely odd numbers.
2 odd numbers added together equal an event number. to even numbers added together equal an even number. it is impossible to make 4 odd numbers equal an even.
The numbers are 25, 27, 29 and 31.
There is no solution. You could do it if the numbers were odd: 25 and 27 are consecutive odd numbers that equal 52.
27/4 is equal to 6 3/4
27 cannot be a multiple of 4 because 27 is an odd number and 4 is an even number. No odd number can be a multiple of an even number, only even numbers can be multiples of even numbers.
Numbers. i^n = i^(n mod 4). With n = 27, 27 mod 4...
There is no set of four consecutive numbers (odd or even) whose sum equals 169.