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Q: What is a settlement in which each side gives somthing and gains something?
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Where can I learn about structured settlement funding?

Structured settlement funding is when a company buys your periodical payments and gives you a lump sum settlement.You can contact JG Wenworth about your structured settlement and peachtreefinanical for help.

Which settlement gives up some of its demands in order to reach an agreement?

the convection

Will a credit counseler help you get a debt settlement on your credit card?

A credit counselor may be able to help you get a debt settlement on your credit card. It will depend on if the counselor only gives you ways to get out of debt or if they are a settlement counselor.

What is the charge on atom if it gains electrons?

Depends on how many electrons it gains. For every electron it gains, the atom becomes more negative. One electron gives it a -1 charge, 2 a -2 charge and so on

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Oxygen gains 2 electrons to achieve a full valence shell with 8 electrons. This gives oxygen a stable electron configuration similar to the noble gas configuration.