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Q: What is a sign of a sum in math?
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Related questions

What is the term used to describe in a math problem the addition sign?

the sum

What is a sum in math terms?

The sum is the outcome of addition. For example, the sum of 5+13 is 18.

What the sum mean in math terms?

sum means the answer of a math problem

What is a sum in math?

A sum is the answer to addition

What is a sum in a multiplication math problem?

The product is the "sum" of a multiplication math problem.

How do you do math in excel?

You type an equals sign into the formula box, type in the sum you want to do using the cell references (coordinates) then click enter

How do you use the sigma sign in math?

The capital letter sigma (Ʃ) means sum, so this tells you to add up a set of numbers.

What is sum in math it is addition or subraction?

Sum is addition.

How do you find the sum in a math problem?

"sum" means addition.... +

In math what does the sideways M thing mean?

The sigma sign (Σ, which resembles a sideways M) represents the sum of. Sometimes there are numbers above and below the sigma sign. For example, below the sigma sign can be written x=2, and above the sigma sign can be written 6. This signifies the sum of the numbers between the number below, and the number above. If there is a formula alongside this, it signifies that you should apply the formula to each number, and add the numbers together (hence the Σ, sum of, sign).

What does math involve?

math ha these sign in it so it involves these sign +, =, $, %, # and more.......

What is the sum in math?

The sum is the out come of a problem. Example: The sum of 2 x 3 is 6.