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Q: What is a significant change in circumstances?
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Can child support decree be modified?

Yes, if there is a significant change in circumstances.Yes, if there is a significant change in circumstances.Yes, if there is a significant change in circumstances.Yes, if there is a significant change in circumstances.

Can your ex get custody of your son if the courts gave you full custody?

If you were granted custody the court will not change that status unless there has been a significant change in the circumstances or unless you have been deemed to be unfit since you were awarded custody.If you were granted custody the court will not change that status unless there has been a significant change in the circumstances or unless you have been deemed to be unfit since you were awarded custody.If you were granted custody the court will not change that status unless there has been a significant change in the circumstances or unless you have been deemed to be unfit since you were awarded custody.If you were granted custody the court will not change that status unless there has been a significant change in the circumstances or unless you have been deemed to be unfit since you were awarded custody.

Can a mother obtain sole custody when joint custody is already in place and the father is ill?

Yes. If there has been a significant change in the circumstances the court reviewed to grant joint custody, the mother can petition for a change in custody. The court will review the evidence and testimony and render a decision.Yes. If there has been a significant change in the circumstances the court reviewed to grant joint custody, the mother can petition for a change in custody. The court will review the evidence and testimony and render a decision.Yes. If there has been a significant change in the circumstances the court reviewed to grant joint custody, the mother can petition for a change in custody. The court will review the evidence and testimony and render a decision.Yes. If there has been a significant change in the circumstances the court reviewed to grant joint custody, the mother can petition for a change in custody. The court will review the evidence and testimony and render a decision.

Can a custodial parent who lost custody get custody of the child back when still owing child support to the non-custodial parent who now has custody?

There must be a significant change in circumstances. You can petition the court and request a modification of the custody order. Your arrears will remain and you must pay them.There must be a significant change in circumstances. You can petition the court and request a modification of the custody order. Your arrears will remain and you must pay them.There must be a significant change in circumstances. You can petition the court and request a modification of the custody order. Your arrears will remain and you must pay them.There must be a significant change in circumstances. You can petition the court and request a modification of the custody order. Your arrears will remain and you must pay them.

What is taken into consideration when requesting that child support payments be reduced?

There must be a significant change in circumstances. For example: loss of job or reduction in pay; illness; injury; retirement; change in custodial parent's circumstances; etc.

Does child support go down?

Yes, if there's a significant change in either parent's circumstances, or one child has emancipated or died.

Can child support ever increase over time?

Yes, if one or both parents and/or the child experience a significant change in circumstances.

What are the geographical limitations with joint custody?

Almost any significant "change of circumstances" can require you to go back to court, if you can't work it out between you.

How long before you can take the mother back to court for child support do you have to wait 6 months?

Generally, the child support order isn't changed unless there is a significant change in circumstances for either party. Think about it- if the circumstances haven't changed then the amount set according to state child support guidelines won't change either. As the child grows older the amount is likely to be increased.You can always visit the court and ask to have your obligation reevaluated.Generally, the child support order isn't changed unless there is a significant change in circumstances for either party. Think about it- if the circumstances haven't changed then the amount set according to state child support guidelines won't change either. As the child grows older the amount is likely to be increased.You can always visit the court and ask to have your obligation reevaluated.Generally, the child support order isn't changed unless there is a significant change in circumstances for either party. Think about it- if the circumstances haven't changed then the amount set according to state child support guidelines won't change either. As the child grows older the amount is likely to be increased.You can always visit the court and ask to have your obligation reevaluated.Generally, the child support order isn't changed unless there is a significant change in circumstances for either party. Think about it- if the circumstances haven't changed then the amount set according to state child support guidelines won't change either. As the child grows older the amount is likely to be increased.You can always visit the court and ask to have your obligation reevaluated.

How soon can a respondant reapply for a court case to be reopended?

In a civil domestic matter as soon as there has been a significant change in circumstances that may warrant a change in the court order. A court order can also be appealed but there is a short window of opportunity and you would need to seek the advice of an attorney who could review the situation and explain your options.In a civil domestic matter as soon as there has been a significant change in circumstances that may warrant a change in the court order. A court order can also be appealed but there is a short window of opportunity and you would need to seek the advice of an attorney who could review the situation and explain your options.In a civil domestic matter as soon as there has been a significant change in circumstances that may warrant a change in the court order. A court order can also be appealed but there is a short window of opportunity and you would need to seek the advice of an attorney who could review the situation and explain your options.In a civil domestic matter as soon as there has been a significant change in circumstances that may warrant a change in the court order. A court order can also be appealed but there is a short window of opportunity and you would need to seek the advice of an attorney who could review the situation and explain your options.

Which of these is not a reason to change your will?

A sudden change in your emotional state is not a valid reason to change your will. It is important to ensure that changes to a will are made based on significant life events, such as marriage, divorce, birth of a child, or changes in financial circumstances. Emotional fluctuations do not typically justify alterations to a will.

If the father is granted physical custody can the mother get custody back?

If the decision was recently made, the mother can file an appeal. Otherwise, the mother will have to prove there has been a significant/material change in circumstances - to the judge.