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Its is a convex!!

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Q: What is a smooth reflecting surface?
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What is a common reflecting surface that is smooth?

Glass or water.

Smooth reflecting surface?

i don't know it y dont u

What is a good reflecting surface?

A mirror is a good reflecting surface as it is designed to produce clear and accurate reflections due to its smooth and highly reflective surface. Glass with a silvered coating also works well as a reflecting surface for various applications.

What is the definition of glossy?

Smooth and shining; reflecting luster from a smooth surface; highly polished; lustrous; as, glossy silk; a glossy surface., Smooth; specious; plausible; as, glossy deceit.

What smooth reflecting surface?

A mirror is a smooth reflecting surface that bounces light off it in a way that reflects an image from the surroundings. Mirrors are commonly used for personal grooming, interior decoration, and scientific applications such as in telescopes and microscopy.

Light rays reflecting off a smooth surface reflect?

Light rays reflecting off a smooth surface reflect in a manner that follows the law of reflection, which states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This results in a clear and defined reflection of the light source.

In which direction do light rays reflecting off a smooth surface reflect?

Light rays reflecting off a smooth surface reflect in a predictable manner according to the law of reflection: the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

What is the luster of fresh aluminum foil?

Fresh aluminum foil has a shiny and metallic luster, reflecting light due to its smooth surface.

What is most similar to light reflecting of a mirror?

Light reflecting off a mirror is most similar to light reflecting off a smooth, shiny surface like glass or metal. These surfaces are highly reflective and can create clear and sharp reflections of the light source.

Which is the Metal in reflecting telescope?

Usually aluminum. It is normally deposited as a vapour to get an incredibly smooth surface. In small home-made telescopes, they use silver.

What is a mirror with a flat reflecting surface?

A flat mirror has a smooth, level surface that reflects light without distorting the image. It creates a mirror image that is the same size and orientation as the original object.

Which type of mirror uses its outside as the reflecting surface?

convex mirror