The nominal angle through which the step motor shaft rotates between adjacent step positions.
I don't believe the response time of a stepper motor depends on the step angle.
The answer depends on how you number the steps: there is no universally agreed system.
OK, got it! What's the next step ?
If you are trying to find the missing angle of a triangle you do 180 degrees minus your two other angles. However if you are trying to find the missing angle of a quadrilaterals you do the same thing but with 360 degrees.
Assuming you've got a 180o protractor (and not a 360o angle measurer).To measure an acute, right or obtuse angle (ie 0o to 180o):Place the centre mark of the protractor on the centre of the angle (ie where the arms of the angle meet)Put one of the base lines (which will be marked 0o and 180o) on one of the arms of the angle, so that the other line of the angle is within the scale of the protractor.Use the scale which starts with 0o on the first arm to read off the angle to the other arm.To measure a reflex angle (ie 180o to 360o):Place the protractor centre as abovePut the base line as aboveUse the scale which starts with 180o on the first arm to read off the angle to the other arm.Add 180o to the angle found in step 3.
Yes a Right angle
I don't believe the response time of a stepper motor depends on the step angle.
The first step is probably to get a piece of paper.
The first step is probably to get a piece of paper.
The answer depends on how you number the steps: there is no universally agreed system.
A; stepper motor can rotate to various angle if the resolution is infinite then the rotation will be infinite. however practically is set to step a certain angle per step
Oh, dude, constructing an angle bisector? That's like, super easy. So, the first step is to put your big boy pants on and grab your compass. Then, you just draw an arc from each side of the angle, and where they intersect is where the magic happens - that's your angle bisector. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Use new bolts ! (each step involves tightening all bolts in the right sequence) Step 1 25 Nm Step 2 Angle turn 60 degrees Step 3 Angle turn 60 degrees Step 4 Angle turn 30 degrees Step 5 Warm up engine Step 6 Angle turn 30 - 50 degrees Tightening sequence cilinderhead bolts: 8 4 1 5 9 flywheelside 7 3 2 6 10 exhaust manifold: 25 Nm Inlet manifold: 22 Nm Valve-cover: 8 Nm
Step 1: Divide the percentage slope by 100. Step 2: Calculate arctan or tan-1 [=atan() in Excel] of that value to give the angle. Advanced mathematicians use radians to measure angles, and Excel calculates the angle in radians. However, if you need it in degrees, multiply the last answer by 180/pi. On most calculators you will need to ensure that angles are measured in degrees. Thus, if you have a 15% slope, step 1 gives 0.15 and step 2 gives an angle of 0.1489 radians, which is equal to 8.53 degrees (approx).
OK, got it! What's the next step ?
You need to know how to bisect an angle:Open your compasses to some (shortish) length;with the point of the compasses on the point of the angle draw an arc on each arm of the angle;extend the compasses to a longer length.with the point of the compasses on each point where the arcs intersect the arms, draw two further arcs (away from the point of the angle) between the arms of the angle so that they cross;using the rule draw a straight line from the point of the angle to the point where the last two arcs drawn cross.Now to create your 112.5o angle:Draw a straight line and mark a point near the middle. This is the point of your angle; call it OBisect the 180o angle at O (one side of the straight line), creating two 90o angles. (This is usually called creating the perpendicular to the line at point O.)Bisect one of the 90o angles, creating two 45o angles.On the opposite side to the angle bisected in step 2 is another 180o angle; to this add the 45o angle next to the original straight line. This creates a 225o angle.Bisect the angle found in step 4, creating the required 112.5o angle.After step 4 you should have something like this:. . . . . . . . . . . .B. . . . . . | . . . . / .. . . . . . | . . . / . .. . . . . . | . . / . . .. . . . . . | . / . . . .. . . . . . | / . . . . .A------+--------. . . . . .O . . . . . .reflex angle ∠AOB is the 225o angle to bisect in step 5 to create your 112.5o angle.
If you are trying to find the missing angle of a triangle you do 180 degrees minus your two other angles. However if you are trying to find the missing angle of a quadrilaterals you do the same thing but with 360 degrees.