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Q: What is a system of values that each individual has that determines perceptions of right and wrong?
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It is a system based on the place value.

Central to any society is a common set of values shared by its citizens that determines what is socially acceptable Marketers refer to these values collectively as a country's?

ethical system

What is the difference between ethics and values?

values determines "what is wrong and what is good" ethics determines "doing what is good and what is bad"

Can your perceptions and attitudes negatively affect a child and his or her family values within culture?

Yes, perceptions and attitudes that are negative can influence a child's understanding of their family values within their culture. Negative perceptions may lead to feelings of shame or inadequacy, while negative attitudes can create a toxic environment that undermines the transmission of positive cultural values to the child. It's essential for parents and caregivers to be mindful of their attitudes and perceptions to create a positive and healthy environment for the child's development within their cultural values.

How would you describe personal values?

Personal values as you know the term personal its a individual thing so individual values as of my concern like for me rape a girl is unethical for me this is against my values i will never do that in any case... so values are the things which individual makes according to his mental abilities... like to smoke and drink is not against my value system and for you it may be.. this is what it is called as personal values...

11 Determines how far away the data values are from the average?

Standard deviation determines how far away the data values are from the average.

What is sensory values?

Sensory values refer to personal perceptions or judgments based on the sensory information we receive from our five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell). These values can be influenced by individual experiences, cultural background, and personal preferences. They play a significant role in how we interpret and respond to the world around us.

The MAX function determines the value in a selected range of values?

It determines the cell entry with the greatest value.

What is mean by individual values?

seperate Values

Which traditional philosophy advocates the ideals values and truths are universal and eternal and remain the same regardless of how the interpretations of individuals may vary?

Platonism is a traditional philosophy that advocates for the belief that ideals, values, and truths are universal, eternal, and unchanging. According to Plato, these forms exist independently of individual interpretations and perceptions.

Factors that influence a person worldview?

A person's worldview can be influenced by factors such as their cultural background, upbringing, education, personal experiences, religion, society, and media exposure. These factors contribute to shaping an individual's beliefs, values, attitudes, and perceptions about the world around them.

What determines your self concept?

Your self-concept is shaped by a combination of factors, including your perceptions of your own abilities, values, beliefs, experiences, and interactions with others. It can also be influenced by societal norms, cultural influences, and feedback from others. Overall, your self-concept is a multifaceted and dynamic construct that is continually evolving.