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Surveying instrument of high precision, can measure both vertical and horizontal angles, unlike a level telescope which is limited to the flat angles. The name is believed to come from the Greek- meaning, The Eye of God.

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Q: What is a theodolite used for?
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What unit does a theodolite measure?

A theodolite is used to measure angles of a plane. This can be both vertical or horizontal, and it is used with high precision.

How do you set out a building using a theodolite?

A theodolite measures angles and axis needed for site surveying. The horizontal and vertical angles are measured using a theodolite. A theodolite is actually a mounted telescope used in building.

What is theodolite and parts of theodolite?

theodolite is a surveying instrument.It is is used for measure the horizontal & vertical angles of theodolite trivet,upper plate lower plate,plomb bob,telescope,vernierscale,leveling screw,tribrach,etc.,

How you change the face for taking angle in theodolite?

A theodolite is an instrument that is used in archaeoastronomy. To change the face for taking angle measurements when using a theodolite you must turn the telescope by 180 degrees.

What pccupation would a person have who used theodolite?


Who is the father of Theodolite?

Father of Theodolite

What was used to measure angles?

* theodolite * protractor * sundial * the hand

How do you operate digital theodolite machine?

A theodolite machine is a tool used by land surveyers to measure verticle and horizontal angles. A digital theodolite machine is one with a digital display. You may fine video instruction on how to operate this machine on youtube.

What is the difference in between levelling machine and theodolite?

Dumpty level can be used only for vertical measurements while a theodolite functions in both horizontal and vertical measurements.

What is the type of theodolite?

Transit and non-transit theodolite.

Advantages and disadvantages of theodolite?

advantage and disadvantage of theodolite

How do you spell theodolite light?

Theodolite light is the correct spelling