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Q: What is a three Dimensional figure with equal length width and height?
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How is a cube and a rectangle different?

A cube is a three dimensional object with all sides of equal length. A rectangle is a two dimensional figure with two pairs of sides equal in length. Three dimensional is like a rubrics cube, something you can hold. A two dimensional figure is something you can not hold, a drawing is two dimensional.

Is a circle a two dimensional figure?

Yes, as it has length and width, which just happen to be equal.

What figure is 2 dimensional with no parallel sides and 2 pairs of equal length?

A kite or arrowhead.

What is a mathmatic rhombus?

A rhombus is a closed 2-dimensional figure with four straight sides of equal length.

Is length x width area?

my idea is that to find the area of a 2 dimensional figure you have to multiply length *width which equal the area except a triangle and some other figure

Why does length width and height equal volume?

A square has width and height. Width is the horizontal line, height is the vertical line. This is a two-dimensional object and has an area.A cube is a square with one more dimension, length, which makes it a three dimensional object. As a three-dimensional object, it no longer has an area, but now has volume.To find the area of a cube (a three-dimensional object), one must multiply three dimensions (length, width, and height) to obtain the volume of the cube.

What is the formula of a rhumbus?

The formula for a rhombus is as follows: "a closed 2-dimensional figure with four straight sides of equal length".

What is the length width and height of a figure called?

Those are called dimensions. But if you're referring to length X width X height (l X w X h) That is equal to volume.

A cube is a two-dimensional figure with six square faces that are?

Equal in size (length and width) and each side has four 90 degree angles.

How could you describe a square?

A square - is a two-dimensional figure having four sides, all of equal length and four identical angles at the corners.

Is base times height equal length?

Base times height tims width equal to length