Any "straightedge" whether it be the side of a book, piece of paper, etc. can be used to create a straight line. Rulers, are common straightedges, as they are tools specifically meant to draw and measure lines.
a tool used to draw straight lines or measure straight lines miss pawz: a measuring instrument :)
The most common tool used to draw straight lines is the age old ruler. If you don't have a ruler you can also substitute it with any straight edge found nearby.
Possibly a protractor...
A compass is a geometric tool used to draw circles.
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a tool used to draw straight lines or measure straight lines miss pawz: a measuring instrument :)
The most common tool used to draw straight lines is the age old ruler. If you don't have a ruler you can also substitute it with any straight edge found nearby.
A sharp pencil or a scribe.
A straight edge is used for making perfectly straight lines when drawing. The straight edge is placed on the paper and you use the edge to draw against.
A pencil is an example of a tool that can be used to draw lines on paper.
A 'side' of a triangle is any one of the three straight lines used to draw it.
Possibly a protractor...
A compass is a geometric tool used to draw circles.
A ruler or straight edge is sometimes used on paper to help write or draw straight lines.
Draw a rectangle with length twice its width, you would have used 4 lines already. Then draw a straight line at the center. The result will be two identical squares.
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