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a triggering event is "the final straw" that sets things into motion

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Q: What is a triggering event?
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What is the use of giving triggering as an input?

Event handling

What is the triggering mechanism?

A triggering mechanism is a device or action that initiates a process or event. It can be a specific condition, event, or signal that sets off a response or action. In the context of technology, a triggering mechanism can be a sensor, a command, or a set of conditions that activates a function or program.

Is there a difference between edge triggering and pulse triggering?

Yes, there is a difference between edge triggering and pulse triggering. Edge triggering occurs when a circuit changes state based on the transition of an input signal (e.g., from low to high or high to low). Pulse triggering, on the other hand, involves triggering a circuit based on the detection of a specific pulse width within the input signal.

What is a flip flop and latch?

flipflop is edge triggering and latch is level triggering

In a plot which is the part where the main problem or conflict is identified?

The part of a plot where the main problem or conflict is identified is usually referred to as the "inciting incident" or the "triggering event". This is the event that sets the main character on their journey or initiates the conflict that drives the story forward.

What device uses LEDs and photo diodes for ignition triggering?

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Why no triggering is used for astable multivibrator?

No triggering is used on an astable multivibrator because it can cause it to become unstable.

What is triggering?

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Different phases of life cycle of a computer virus?

->Dormant phase->Propagation phase->Triggering phase->Execution phase—Dormant Phase àThis virus is idle one and activated by some event such as a file.—Propagation Phas:Virus places an identical copy of itself—Triggering Phase :Virus is activated to perform the functions—Execution Phase :Virus is performed!

What is false triggering?

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Why is a sound made every second?

A sound made every second could be due to a repeating event occurring at regular intervals. This could be caused by a mechanism triggering the sound every second, such as a timed alarm or a metronome.

Why UJT triggering circuit is superior?