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Q: What is a true statement about HEAT projectiles?
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Heat projectiles specifically designed to attack?

HEAT (high explosive antitank) projectiles are specifically designed to attack armored vehicles.

What is a true statement about heat?

Heat always flows from warmer objects to cooler objects.

What are HEAT projectiles specifically used for?


What are heat projectiles specifically designed to attck?

HEAT - High Explosive Anti Tank - projectiles are designed for use against armoured vehicles and reinforced fortifications.

What are the heat proj ectiles?

Heat projectiles are weapons that release projectiles that deal damage through heat or fire. These projectiles typically ignite upon impact, causing burn damage over time to the target. Examples include flamethrowers, incendiary grenades, and fire arrows.

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What are HEAT projectiles specifically deigned to attack?


What are heat projectiles specifacally designed to attack?


What are heat projectiles specifically designed to attach?
