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Q: What is a true statement about instruction formats used in business documents?
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What does digitization mean?

In brief, the digitization of a document is the conversion of a paper document into various digital formats. With the advent of digital technology, it is now possible to convert physical documents like newspapers, periodicals, books, images, texts, and other business paperwork into a digitized version such as pdf, doc, Xls, XML, jpeg, gif, HTML, CD, tape.

What is the least roman numeral with four characters between 1 and 50?

VIII, representing 8, would be the smallest in most standard Roman Numeral formats. There are some formats that will use IIII for four.

What quarter to one?

In terms of time, quarter to one is 12.45pm in both digital and analogue formats.

What do you call a chart that helps compare facts and nuumbers or quanties?

This kind of chart is called a graph- there are many different formats.

What is an 837P?

837P stands for 837 Professional.While EDI X12 formats are based on the standards in real world there are many deviations from the standard. Some deviations are so prevalent they become de facto sub standards in they own right. One of the best examples is EDI X12 837 Healthcare Claim.Officially there is only one EDI X12 837. But due to very different requirements for institutional, dental and professional medical claims there are subsets for 837I, 837D and 837P. There is also probably a few hundred if not thousand variations of these.Many trading partners you might need to deal with will provide you with they own document called "Companion Guide". These additional documents list specific requirements to they business needs.

Related questions

What are Instruction Formats?

List,diagram,paragraph,if-then table

What instruction formats would you most likely use if you had to write a business letter?

There are many different places online that can help you correctly format a business letter so that it looks and sounds professional. It is very important that your business letter is neat in appearance.

Where can one find different business card formats?

One can find different business card formats at local business card companies. One could also find business card formats at sites such as PagePlus or Photoshop.

Are public document formats true?

Some public document formats are true. It all depends on where you got the public documents.

What are various instruction formats in 8085 microprocessor?

An instruction is a command for any given task. There are two parts to each instruction; one giving the command and two the operand.

What formats support network fax?

For online fax service, fax documents are usually in PDF, TIFF or plain text formats.

What is the difference between IPSAS format and other formats of presentation of financial reports?

The IPSAS formats are the required schedules under the International Public Sector Accounting Standards. These include: Statement of Financial Position Statement of Financial Performance Cash Flow Statement Statement of Changes in Equity

What is doxillion document converter?

A piece of software that converts documents into other file formats.

What file formats are used for documents designed to be read on a computer monitor?

*.doc or *.docx

Format of income statement?

Following are the formats of income statements1 – Statement form2 – Account form

What instruction formats would you most likely use if you had to follow step-by-step instructions?

numbered list

What following instruction formats would you most likely use if you had to write step-by-step instructions?

numbered list