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X-y graph

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Q: What is a type of graph where the dependent variable is plotted vs the independent variable as unique points?
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What is a type of graph where the dependent variable is plotted vs. the independent variable a unique points?

X-y graph

what is the independent variable and dependent variable for fingerprint identification?

The independent variable in this experiment is the fingerprinting powders. The dependent variable is the points of minutiae, which are identifying points on a fingerprint.

The function N gives a relationship between the variables Player and Points?

"Player" is the independent variable, and "Points" is the dependent variable.

How is temperature plotted?

Temperature is typically plotted on the y-axis, while time or another independent variable is plotted on the x-axis. A line graph is commonly used to show how temperature changes over time or with a changing independent variable. Temperature data points are connected with straight or curved lines to represent the trend or pattern.

What does it mean to find the zeros of a function?

The zeros of a function are the values of the independent variable where the dependent variable has value of zero. In a typical representation where y = f(x), the zeroes are the points x where y is 0.

When looking at data points on a given set of axes which variable is dependent?

The y-Variable

What is an example of an independent variable?

a kind of example is the amount of sunlight * * * * * No it is not! The amount of sunlight given out by the sun depends on solar activity. It will be hugely greater in around 4.5 billion years when the sun becomes a red giant. The amount of sunlight incident on some point depends on the location of that point. Somewhere on Mercury will get a lot more sunlight than on Neptune! Also even if you restrict yourself to points on the earth, there are differences between latitudes, the time of year, cloud cover and so on. Even something that is apparently as independent of everything else, such as time, is not quite that independent. Gravity affects it. An independent variable is determined not by the variable itself but by the context of the "experiment". It is (or they are) variable(s) that affect the dependent variables but are not affected by them. An independent variable in one experiment may be the dependent variable in another. For example: age and height of people: I would say that age is independent and height is dependent. height and membership of basketball team: I would say height is independent and membership is dependent.

What metric units are represented by points on the plotted line?

Any metric or non-metric units can be represented by points on the plotted line.

How do you graph nonlinear equations?

Select a number of different values for the independent variable (usually x). For each x, calculate the value of the dependent variable using the nonlinear equation. Call these f(x). On a Cartesian plane, mark the points whose coordinates are(x,f(x)) and join them by a smooth curve.

An experiment that changes while all the others remain constant?

It is called a CONTROLLED EXPERIMENT. Thanks person :D this is the rite answer people listen to this person! how do you give pointy thingys u know like the little points or what ever? well any whoo thank ya

Information on a graph between plotted points may not be accurate?

If it is plotted correctly, there is no reason for it to be anything but accurate.

What is the type of graph where points are plotted?

Scatter Graph