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The y-Variable

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Q: When looking at data points on a given set of axes which variable is dependent?
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What is the difference between dependent and independent varibles?

An independent variable can be any of a given set of values while a dependent variable is represented as a function of another variable.

Which variable is dependent in a given set axes?

The vertical axis normally represents the dependent variable although both variables may be dependent (on each other).

How are independent and dependent variable related?

Independent variables can take values within a given boundary. The dependent variable will take values based on the independent variable and a given relationship at which the former can take its values.

Is levels of family stress a dependent variable?

A dependent variable is non manipulative and is affected by the manipulations of the independent variable. In the case given, the different levels of family stress like high and low can be siad as different levels of a dependent varible i.e. stress. So, family stress can be a dependent variable but not the levels of stress

Describe the difference between a dependent and independent variable?

The dependent variable changes as a result of changes in the independent variable.Put another way,The Independent Variable is manipulated, and is known as the changed variable.The Dependent Variable is responding, and is known as the result.Example : In an experiment to test the effect of heating on evaporation, the various temperatures would be the independent variable, which will be changed by the experimenter. The amount of water that evaporates in a given time is the dependent variable, which is the data sought in the experiment.

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In 5th grade science what is a dependent variable?

The dependent variable is what changes. For example, if you are growing a plant, the growth of the plant depends on the amount of light it is given. The growth of the plant is the dependent variable.

What is the difference between dependent and independent varibles?

An independent variable can be any of a given set of values while a dependent variable is represented as a function of another variable.

Which variable is dependent in a given set axes?

The vertical axis normally represents the dependent variable although both variables may be dependent (on each other).

How are dependent variables and independent variable the related?

Independent variables can take values within a given boundary. The dependent variable will take values based on the independent variable and a given relationship at which the former can take its values.

What term is given to the variable that you are trying to measure in the experiment?

The term that is given to the variable being measured in an experiment is the dependent variable. This variable is the one that is observed and recorded based on the changes in the independent variable.

What is the name given for the variable under investigation?

The variable under investigation is typically referred to as the "dependent variable" in a research study. This is the variable that is being measured or observed to determine how it is affected by changes in another variable, known as the independent variable.

How are independent and dependent variable related?

Independent variables can take values within a given boundary. The dependent variable will take values based on the independent variable and a given relationship at which the former can take its values.

How are the independent and dependent variables related?

Independent variables can take values within a given boundary. The dependent variable will take values based on the independent variable and a given relationship at which the former can take its values.

Is levels of family stress a dependent variable?

A dependent variable is non manipulative and is affected by the manipulations of the independent variable. In the case given, the different levels of family stress like high and low can be siad as different levels of a dependent varible i.e. stress. So, family stress can be a dependent variable but not the levels of stress

What is the dependent and independent variables in a caffeine study?

The independent variable is the thing you are changing. The dependent variable is the result you are trying to measure. In a caffeine study, the amount of caffeine given to a subject would probably be the independent variable. The dependent variable would be what you are measuring, like moodiness, apparent energy, kidney function, etc.

Describe the difference between a dependent and independent variable?

The dependent variable changes as a result of changes in the independent variable.Put another way,The Independent Variable is manipulated, and is known as the changed variable.The Dependent Variable is responding, and is known as the result.Example : In an experiment to test the effect of heating on evaporation, the various temperatures would be the independent variable, which will be changed by the experimenter. The amount of water that evaporates in a given time is the dependent variable, which is the data sought in the experiment.

What is the independent variable in the equation a3.14rsquared?

rRestate the equation as A = 3.14r2.The independent variable is the one you are given - in this case, 'r'.The dependent variable is the one you have to work out (it depends on the other variable). In this case, A.