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A universal set is a set from which all other sets are taken. A subset is one of the other sets that are derived from the universal set.

Example: The universal set of John Smith Elementary = {1 female principal, 1 male vice principal, 2 male security officers, four female office staff, 1 male nurse, 1 female librarian, 2 female cooks, 1 male cook, 1 male janitor, 8 female teachers, 4 male teaches, 142 elementary boys, 153 elementary girls}

A subset of all children attending John Smith Elementary = {142 elementary boys, 153 elementary girls}

A subset of all females at John Smith Elementary = {1 female principal, four female office staff, 1 female librarian, 2 female cooks, 8 female teachers, 153 elementary girls}

The set of John Smith Elementary is the universal setbecause it contains everyone. The set of all children who attend the school, or the set of all females at the school are subsets because they are sets derived from the universal set.

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What is a universal subset?

The universal subset is the empty set. It is a subset of all sets.

What is universal subset?

The null set. It is a subset of every set.

Is a null set is always a part of a universal set?

Yes. A null set is always a subset of any set. Also, any set is a subset of the [relevant] universal set.

What the universal set and a subset?

It is the set of all elements we are considering or dealing with in a given problem. We use a capital U or sometimes capital E to mean the universal set. Now take ANY two sets, A and B. If every single element of set A is contained in set B, we say A is a subset of B. The empty set is a subset of every set. Every set in contained in the universal set, so they are all subset of it.

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If you be the universal set you is a set of counting numbers and set a of counting numbers from 1 to 10 wh olly contained in you then a is a proper subset of you?

If I understand the question correctly then a is a proper subset of u.

What are the subset of the universal set U equals 1 to 50?

There are 250 subsets. That is 1,125,899,906,842,624 of them and I am NOT proposing to list them.

Is 0 is a subset of 0?

0 is subset of 0 no doubt. subset means taking part of universal you are taking whole part of universal 0 is subset of 0.

Is a subset can be a set?

yes ,,,because subset is an element of a set* * * * *No, a subset is NOT an element of a set.Given a set, S, a subset A of S is set containing none or more elements of S. So by definition, the subset A is a set.

What is the subset of null set?

The null set. Every set is a subset of itself and so the null set is a subset of the null set.

What the meaning of subset?

A subset is a division of a set in which all members of the subset are members of the set. Examples: Men is a subset of the set people. Prime numbers is a subset of numbers.

Why empty set is proper subset of every set?

It isn't. The empty set is a subset - but not a proper subset - of the empty set.