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A dekaliter is 10 liters, so a volume .01 of a dekaliter is 1 deciliter (0.1 liter).

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Q: What is a volume that is .01 the volume of a dekaliter?
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Related questions

What is something that weighs a dekaliter?

A dekaliter is a unit of volume and does not weigh anything on its own. It is equal to 10 liters of volume.

What volume measurement comes after dekaliters?

A hectoliter comes after a dekaliter.

What is the difference between a dekaliter and a deciliter?

A dekaliter is equal to 10 liters, while a deciliter is equal to 0.1 liters. Therefore, a dekaliter is 100 times larger than a deciliter in volume.

How much is a dekaliter?

your mom is a dekaliter

What is something that weights 1 dekaliter?

You'll never find such a thing, because "liter" is not a unit of weight. It's a unit of volume or capacity. If there was anything that weighed 1 dekaliter, then I'd be able to ask you how many gallons you weigh.

What is the abbreviation for dekaliter?

Dekaliter is a unit of measurement that is equivalent to 10 liters. This is the same as 2.64 gallons of liquid measurement. The abbreviation for dekaliter is dal.

1 dekaliter equals how many liters?

1 dekaliter equals to 10 liters

In measurement of liquids dkl stand for what?

In the measurement of liquids, "dkl" typically stands for dekaliter, which is a metric unit of volume equal to 10 liters.

Example of dekaliter?

one dekaliter is approximately 10 liters

How many kiloliters in a dekaliter?


Smallest to largest kiloliter liter centiliter hectoliter millmliter deciliter dekaliter?

largest to smallest is kilometer, hectoliter,dekaliter,deciliter,centiliter,and millimeter. idk the rest but i learned this in 5th grade so sorry if this doesnt help

What would be equal to a dekaliter?

10 litres is the simplest answer.