A clinograph otherwise called a weather graph/map It is two graphs constucted on one x and y axis with temprature (a line graph) drawn at the top of the graph and the rainfall (bar graph)
to help them compare weather date
The "vertical line test" will tell you if it is a function or not. The graph is not a function if it is possible to draw a vertical line through two points.
The opposite of a discrete graph is a continuous graph. A continuous graph is where one of the variables (usually time) can continue on past what the graph says. An example would be if some one was traking the weather hour be hour. They could stop the graph at one point, but the information carries on. A discrete graph is where niether of the variables could be carried out past the graph. An example would be a shirt sale graph of how many shirts for a certain amount of money. Technically, you could have five dollars for half a shirt but realistically, you wouldn't cut a shirt in half
bar graph, double bar graph, line graph, and picto graph
Pie graph, column graph , tally graph, Histogram
how does the cold spring graph differ from the normal weather graph.
Line graph
A Climatograph is a graph that averages weather in a biome over a certain period of time. The graph is measured in Celsius.
There are a great number of kinds of graphs that could be used to track weather on insect reproduction. One is a bar graph.
its either a or d line plot or oduble bar graph
to help them compare weather date
math can be used in almost everything!how is it used graph's for the weather
first a line graph shows data that is continuous so something that like weather or rain fall
The "vertical line test" will tell you if it is a function or not. The graph is not a function if it is possible to draw a vertical line through two points.
I can't display a graph, but typically a temperature-time graph for a day might show temperatures rising overnight, peaking in the afternoon, and then decreasing again in the evening. This pattern can vary based on location and weather conditions.
A climate graph is a chart that shows what the weather is like overall in a certain place. E.g thunderstorms in Hawaii and a Tornado in Sydneya climate graph is a chart that shows what the weather is like overall in a certain place. similar to Climatograms.
To determine a climate range on a climate graph, you would look at the highest temperature (usually in the summer months) and the lowest temperature (usually in the winter months) plotted on the graph. The difference between these two points gives you the climate range for that location.