Try to do the division! In this case, 204 / 2. If you get a whole number, and no decimals, then it is a multiple, otherwise it isn't. In the particular case of divisibility (being a multiple of) the number 2, you can also just look at the last digit. If the last digit of 204 is a multiple of 2, then the whole number is also a multiple of 2.
9, a divisor of 18, is greater than 4, a multiple of 2.
every number except has atleast 2 factors
the answer is multiple
Try to do the division! In this case, 204 / 2. If you get a whole number, and no decimals, then it is a multiple, otherwise it isn't. In the particular case of divisibility (being a multiple of) the number 2, you can also just look at the last digit. If the last digit of 204 is a multiple of 2, then the whole number is also a multiple of 2.
1 is a multiple because there is a whole number, really. There is 1 of that number, so that number times 1 is that number. Example: Whole number: 2 2 x 1 (since there is only one 2) = 2.
9, a divisor of 18, is greater than 4, a multiple of 2.
It has to be a whole number, or else every number would be a multiple of every other number.
No. There is no whole number you can multiply 6 by to get 3 (3/6 is 1/2 which isn't a whole number).
every number except has atleast 2 factors
No. To get a multiple of 2, multiply 2 by something. 2x6 is 12, so 12 is a multiple of 2. No matter what you multiply 2 by, you will never get 1, so 1 is not a multiple of 2.
That means that it is not a multiple of 2. If you divide by 2 with a calculator, you won't get a whole number.
Molar mass is a whole number multiple of the Empirical formula mass
it is a multiple.
A is a multiple.
the answer is multiple