Equivalent decimals means that two decimal are having the same value.
It means to replace something, with something else that is equivalent.
The Hebrew Messiah (mashiach) means "anointed one." The Greek equivalent is (Khristos), or Christ.
The word equivalent has four syllables. (E-quiv-a-lent)
Just remember that "percent" means " 1/100 ", and wherever you see the word "percent", take away the word, and write " /100 " in its place. Example: The problem says: "What is an equivalent fraction for 27 percent ?" Re-write the question: "What is an equivalent fraction for 27 /100 ?" Shazam! Now you see a fraction there. The question has answered itself !
the word equivalent means equal to the certain fraction
A ten letter word that means equal to is equivalent.
The word 'kaput' is the german equivalent for the English word 'broken'.
IT MEANS THE SAME AS LIKE 12/30 IS EQUIVALENT TO 24/60. This word is used in math alot
Equivalent decimals means that two decimal are having the same value.
The Spanish equivalent of 'no hesitation' is Sin respiro. In the word-by-word translation, the preposition 'sin' means 'without'. The noun 'respiro' means 'breath'.
One equivalent of law is ius. This Latin word means 'law' in the sense of 'binding custom or practice'. Another equivalent is lex. This Latin word means 'the custom in written form'.
Niente is an Italian equivalent of the Yiddish word "bupkus."Specifically, the Yiddish word means "nothing, nothing at all." The Italian word literally means "nothing." The pronunciation is "NYEHN-teh."
At the time or In the time is the English equivalent of 'in tempore'. In the word by word translation, the preposition 'in' means 'in'. The noun 'tempore' means 'time'.
the word dont in spanish means hacer. Edit hacer means doing (no haga) would be the equivalent of don't
Heir is an English word - the French equivalent is - un héritier.
Pax tecum is one Latin equivalent of 'peace with you'. In the word by word translation, the noun 'pax' means 'peace'. The personal pronoun 'te' means 'you'. The preposition 'cum' means 'with'. Pax vobiscum is another Latin equivalent of 'peace with you'. In the word by word translation, the noun 'pax' means 'peace'. The personal pronoun 'vobis' means 'you all'. The preposition 'cum' means 'with'.