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A zero deflection is the adjustment of a sight, parallel to the axis of the bore of the gun to which it is attached.

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Q: What is a zero deflection?
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Related questions

Where did the word deflection originated from?

Deflection is a word in the English language that means the act of being deflected, a specified amount of deviation, and deviation of an indicator that measures zero from its normal position.

Why is the Coriolis effect zero at the equator?

The Coriolis effect is zero at the equator because the rotation of the Earth is perpendicular to the direction of motion at the equator, resulting in no deflection of moving objects.

Why deflection of wind become zero at the poles?

At the poles, the Coriolis force is minimal, causing the wind to be less affected by its deflective influence. The Coriolis force is based on the rotation of the Earth and is strongest at the equator, gradually weakening towards the poles. As a result, wind deflection decreases towards the poles and becomes nearly zero.

What are the factors on which the figure of merit of galvanometer depends?

The figure of merit of a galvanometer depends on its sensitivity, which is the amount of deflection for a given current; its damping, which is how quickly the needle returns to zero position after being deflected; and its resistance, which affects the amount of current needed for deflection.

What is the deflection sensitivity of a cathode ray oscilloscope?

It is the deflection on the screen (meter) per volt of deflection

Deflection of cantilever with point load?

maximum deflection will accure

What is the clockwise deflection of air is the northern hemisphere and the counterclockwise deflection of air in the southern hemisphere?

The Coriolis effect is the clockwise deflection of air in the north hemisphere and the counterclockwise deflection in the Southern Hemisphere.

What is the clockwise deflection of air in the northern hemisphere and the and counterclockwise deflection of air in the southern hemisphere?

The Coriolis effect is the clockwise deflection of air in the north hemisphere and the counterclockwise deflection in the Southern Hemisphere.

How do you use deflection in a sentence?

The deflection of the ball caused it to change direction. The politician used deflection to redirect attention away from the controversial issue. The deflection of the light off the mirror created a dazzling effect in the room.

Why electromagnetic deflection is used in tv-crt rather than electrostatic as in cro?

Electromagnetic deflection is used because it can create greater deflection angles of the electron beam compared to electrostatic deflection.

What is the purpose of camber in steel beam?

Camber is the amount of deflection provided in the opposite direction of loadings. That is when the beam is subjected to Vertical downward loadings, the beam has a tendency of deflecting downwards. In this case, camber value is to be given in the upward direction so that when it is fully loaded condition, the beam would have almost zero deflection. Similarly, when the beam is subjected to vertical upward loadings, the camber value is to be given in downward direction. The purpose of camber in steel beam is to have almost zero deflection w.r.t.o beam axis after loading of beam as highlighted earlier. by R.Ravichandran, Chennai-49

Can you score on a deflection off a skate in hockey?

Yes. On a unintentional deflection...