An AC or alternating current generator is a piece of machinery that produces AC electricity. Most commonly this machine is powered by simple terms it consists of a series of blades that are turned by steam.a magnetic field is excited on the rotor which then cuts through lines of magnetism that are present on the stator by the power grid. As more power is applied to the rotor, the turbine must spin harder,not faster, to push more power onto the grid. RPM of rotor is determined by the number of poles in the stator. Most commonly a turbine will spin at 3600rpm.... or, 60 times per second giving us the USA electrical grid a 60Hz frequency. This is scratching the paint on AC generation but its a start.
simply put a motor consumes power and a generator produces it. reactance of a generator = - reactance of a motor
what are real life design considerations that would apply to a wind generator
There is no special term "ac" in math, as far as I know. However, in physics, "AC" means "alternating current".
random number generator
Depends upon the Kw rating of the generator. The higher the Kw rating the more fuel will be used.
what is the construction of ac generator
An ac generator produces ac, a dc generator produces dc, it all depends on the generator.
Alternator and ac generator is equal
NO, generator always generating AC current,when commutator is used,at that time AC is converted in DC.and due to this generator is called dc generator.
DC generator
You step down voltage from an AC generator with a transformer.You step down frequency from an AC generator with a motor/generator set, or with an inverter. This is not a common thing to do.
an induction generator
It can be, however AC power is generally produced directly by an AC alternator/generator.
please how can i diagnose faults on an AC generator power circuits?
a generator:)
Type your answer here... how can you change an ac motor to a dc generator
a generator