

What is acute period?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: What is acute period?
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Incubation period for acute renal failure?

The incubation period for acute renal failure is not applicable as it is not an infectious disease. Acute renal failure is usually diagnosed based on the sudden onset of symptoms, such as decreased urine output or swelling in the body. It is important to seek medical attention promptly if you suspect you have symptoms of acute renal failure.

What is An acute episode of a chronic disease called?

prodomal period

Is vaginitis a chronic or acute disease?

Vaginitis can be either chronic or acute. Acute vaginitis usually comes on suddenly and lasts for a short period of time, while chronic vaginitis is characterized by persistent or recurrent symptoms over a longer period.

Does acute mean persisting for a long period of time?

No, acute is "right now" - it's the opposite of chronic. The definition you provided is for chronic. Acute = sudden and it can get serious very quickly.

Difference between chronic and acute PEM?

Acute is a relatively new occurrence Chronic has been happening for an extended period of time.

What are acute?

Diseases which r curable and having short period of intense r called acute diseases. Eg cold, strep throat, influenza.

Type of condition that develops suddenly and lasts a short period that starts with an a?


What are acute disesaes?

Diseases which r curable and having short period of intense r called acute diseases. Eg cold, strep throat, influenza.

Can appendicitis symptoms feel like a period?

Early stage of acute appendicitis may be confused with pains of periods. Shortly the pain of acute appendicitis becomes worse.

What are acute and chronic diseases?

Some diseases last for a short period of time and/or come on very quickly. These are called Acute Diseases. eg Chest Infection Others last for a longer period of time and/or come on gradually over a long period of time. These are called Chronic Diseases eg - Arthritis

Radiation received by the body over a short period is?

referred to as acute radiation exposure. It can lead to immediate health effects such as skin burns, nausea, and vomiting. Treatment for acute radiation exposure typically involves managing symptoms and providing supportive care.

What does it mean to be hbsag positive and anti core ab negative?

It means early incubation period for acute infection.