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Q: What is addition of mass called?
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What is the answer called in addition?

The answer to an addition problem is called the sum.

What is the result of an addition problem called?

The result of an addition problem is called the sum.

What is the answer to the addition called?

it is called sum

How does earths crust respond to addition and subtraction of mass?

When mass is added to Earth's crust, it causes the crust to subside and sink due to the increased weight. Conversely, when mass is removed from the crust, it can rebound and rise due to the decreased load. This process is known as isostatic adjustment and can result in changes in the Earth's topography.

What mass movements are dependent on the addition water?

Mudslides and landslides.

What mass movements are dependent on addition of water?

Mudslides and landslides.

What was the largest division of the roman army called?

A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.

What are the numbers in an addition sentence called?

…They're called terms, and an addition sentence is called a summation, or just sum for short.

What is a number in addition called?

It is called an addend

The amount of mass in a cube is called?

It's called "the mass of the cube" or "the cube's mass".

What are numbers added together in addition called?

Numbers added together in addition are called addends.

What is it called when a high percentage of the species on earth dies off at a particular line?

This would be called a mass extinction or mass die off.This would be called a mass extinction.