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Q: What is amtrak energy consumption per passenger mile?
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Specific energy consumption in electric traction?

Specific energy consumption in electric traction refers to the amount of energy consumed by an electric vehicle to travel a specific distance. It is typically measured in kilowatt-hours per unit distance (such as kilowatt-hours per mile). Lower specific energy consumption values indicate a more energy-efficient vehicle or system.

What is a passenger mile?

A passenger mile is a measure of how many people have been carried by an airline or other transport system. It is used as the denominator when comparing number of incidents, deaths, mechanical failures, etc. of modes of transportation. For example, if three people get on a bus and are carried for exactly one mile, the bus has traveled one mile, but the services has racked up three (3) passenger miles.

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How far is amtrak from fort lauderdale?

Not far at all! The Fort Lauderdale Amtrak Station is at 200 Southwest 21 Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312, just off of I-95 (Exit 26) about a mile or two west of downtown Fort Lauderdale.

How high is a passenger plane at one mile from landing?

About 320 feet at 1 nautical mile on a standard 3 degree approach.

Is there a bus from Baltimore Maryland to Lakewood New Jersey?

You can take a NJTransit bus from Lakewood to Philadelphia, where you can catch an Amtrak train to Baltimore. The NJTransit arrives at the Greyhound station, about a mile from the Amtrak station; you can take a SEPTA train, or just walk, from one to the other.

What is the hourly fuel consumption of a DOOSAN Wheel loader 250?

1 mile for every 5 litres

What is the average cost per mile for a 34 passenger bus7.3l diesel engine?

To determine the average cost per mile for a 34 passenger bus with a 7.3L diesel engine, you would need to consider the current fuel price and the bus's fuel efficiency in miles per gallon (mpg). Calculate the cost of fuel to travel one mile by dividing the cost of a gallon of diesel by the bus's mpg. This calculation will give you an estimate of the average cost per mile based on fuel consumption.

Can car pooling help reducing exhaust emission and cost per passenger mile is?

yes that is true.

What is the fuel consumption in US gallons of a Boeing 737-800 per nautical mile?

That is dependant on the wind, altitude and speed.

What is an available seat-mile?

An available seat-mile is a measure of an airline flight's passenger carrying capacity - calculated as the number of seats onboard an aircraft multiplied by the distance flown in miles.