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2 right angles add up tp 180 degrees

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Q: What is an 2 time s of a right angle?
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Is it is it possible that a quadrilateral with only one right angle?

Yes, a quadrilateral just need to have 4 sides. Quad- means 4 and -lateral means sides. To have only one tight angle, it has to be either a right angle with 2 acute angles and 1 obtuse angle OR a right angle with 2 obtuse angle s and 1 acute angle.

Which is the result derived from the pythagorean theorem?

The Pythagorean Theorem, states, that 'for any right angled triangle the hypotenuse squared is equal to the squares of the other two sides'. Algebraically expressed as h^2 = S^2 + s^2 Where 'H' is the hypotenuse, and 'S' and 's' are the other two sides. The classic example is the 3,4,5 triangle. 5^2 = 4^2 + 3^2 25 = 16 + 9 25 = 25

A triangle can have right angle s?

A triangle can have a right angle and two acute angles with all three angles adding up to 180 degrees.

What is the measure of each exterior angle of nonagon?

If it is a regular nonagon, then you use the following formula: [(s-2) x 180]/s = angle of one interior angle. (s means the number of sides) Then solve: [(s-2) x 180]/s = [(9-2) x 180]/9 = [7 x 180]/9 = 1260/9 = 140. Then, for the exterior angle, subtract 140 from 360. The measure of the exterior angle of a regular nonagon is 220.

Can a quadrilateral have exactly one right angle?

Yes I had a question on my maths test asking me to draw a quadrilateral with one right angle, so yeah, a quadrilateral can have exactly one right angle lol But i havent got a clue how to draw one :S

Can 2 acute angles make a right angle?

a right angle consists of 90 degrees, so if the two acute angles in question add up to 90 degrees, than yes. For instance: two 45's a 30 and a 60 a 10 and an 80 etc

What is a shape with one right angle and one acute angle?

What about the other angle(s). You need at least 3 sides and 3 angles to make a closed figure.

What is the measure if each interior angle of a regular polygon with 15 sides?

Two ways to calculate the required angle. 1) Use the formula S = 2n - 4 right angles S is the sum of the interior angles of a polygon, n is the number of sides. Then, S = (2 x 15) - 4 = 26 right angles = 26 x 90 = 2340° So, each interior angle of a regular 15-sided polygon measures 2340/15 = 156° 2) Calculate the exterior angle and subtract from 180° to obtain the interior angle. Sum of exterior angles = 360° Each exterior angle measures, 360/15 = 24° Each interior angle measures, 180 - 24 = 156°

How many steradians in a sphere?

At first, let us define an angle in radians: Consider an arc of lenght L over an angle alfa in a circle with radius R. The angle alfa is defined as alfa=L/R [in radians]. Similarly, an stereo angle is defined in a sphere with radius R over an area S, and the stereo angle alfa is defined as: alfa=S/R^2 [in steradians]. The sphere has S=4.pi.R^2, so the corresponding angle of the sphere in steradians is alfa=S/R^2 alfa=4.pi.R^2/R^2 alfa=4.pi [steradians]

How do you find a persent of something?

When you find the percent of something you first make it into a decimal and then you take it and move the decimal over to the right 2 time and then you add the 0's and that is your answer. ex: .3 move over to the right 2 time and then add the 0's

A golfer tees off and hits a golf ball at a speed of 31 ms and at an angle of 35 degrees How long was the ball in the air Round the answer to the nearest tenth of a ms?

To find the time the ball was in the air, you can use the time of flight formula: T = 2 * (V * sin(angle)) / g, where V is the initial speed (31 m/s), the angle is 35 degrees, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2). Plugging in the values, the time of flight comes out to be approximately 3.2 seconds.

In a right triangle QRS angle s is 73 degrees in right triangle TUV angle v is 73 degrees. Which similarity postulate or theorem proves that triangle QRS and triangle TUV are similar?
