K is an abbreviation for kilo, which mean 1000.
No. The abbreviation for millimeters is mm and a millimeter is 1/1000 of a meter. A mil is 1/1000 of an inch.
K is the abbreviation for Kilo which has been extended to multiply any quantity by 1000.
"k" is an abbreviation of kilo which means a thousand. So: 1150k means 1150*1000 = 1,150,000 In Roman numerals: (MCL) = 1150*1000 = 1,150,000
Kilo- is the prefix meaning 1000 times whatever it's prefixing, and it is abbreviated k.
K is an abbreviation for kilo, which mean 1000.
Yes, although technically it is a Roman Numeral meaning 1000, not an abbreviation.
L is and abbreviation for litre and is a unit of volume used for liquids equivalent to a dm3 or 1000 cc.The abbreviation is ltr or l
'1K' is an abbreviation for 1000 (one thousand). It could be 1000 of anything.
It is the abbreviation for millimetre which is 1/1000 of a metre.
No. The abbreviation for millimeters is mm and a millimeter is 1/1000 of a meter. A mil is 1/1000 of an inch.
K. The Year 2000 was also called Y2K K is the symbol for 1000... The year 2000 was symbolized as Y2K, which stood for Year 2000...
K is the abbreviation for Kilo which has been extended to multiply any quantity by 1000.
"k" is an abbreviation of kilo which means a thousand. So: 1150k means 1150*1000 = 1,150,000 In Roman numerals: (MCL) = 1150*1000 = 1,150,000
hectometer; hectometers.A unit of length equal to 1000 meters, or 3280.8 feet. Abbreviation: hm
Kilo- is the prefix meaning 1000 times whatever it's prefixing, and it is abbreviated k.