An acute angle is an angle of a shape under 90 degrees, an angle over 90 degrees is called an obtuse angle.
hope this helps!:D
An acute triangle
An acute angle is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees
An acute angle is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees
a right triangle
an angle with a acute and right angle
any right triangle will have an acute angle in it
An acute triangle
An acute angle is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees
An acute angle is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees
"z" has two acute angles a triangle can have 3 acute angles but also will have a angle >= 60degrees acute (also note for every acute angle a obtuse angle is formed the sum of the obtuse and acute angle will = 360) because of this a arrow is the only shape with two acute angles and 1 obtuse
An acute angle.
well, if your asking if and acute shape is a wide leaned back angle, well then the answer is no. that's and obtuse angle. and acute angle is smaller than 90 degrees and an obtuse angle is larger than 90 degrees.
A right triangle has an acute and right angle.
an acute angle