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for(m = 6; m < n; m += 6){
if(isPrime(m - 1) && isPrime(m + 1)){
printf("(%i, %i)\n", m - 1, m + 1);




a quick'n'dirty algorithm for checking if a number is prime or composite. Returns 1 if the number is prime, 0 otherwise. Takes advantages of the following facts:

  1. with the exception of 2 and 3, all prime numbers are 1 away from a multiple of 6
  2. you don't need to check for divisibility by composite numbers, only primes
  3. you only need to check for divisibility up to the square root of the number in question

int isprime(unsigned int val){
int n, returnval = 1;
if(val == 1) return 0;
if(!(val % 2 && val % 3)) return 0;
if(val % 6 != 1 && val % 6 != 5) return 0;

for(n = 6; (n - 1) * (n - 1) <= val; n++){
if(!(val % (n - 1) && val % (n + 1)){
returnval = 0;


return returnval;


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