

Best Answer

A. Cordillera

B. Megalopolis

C. Coastal plain

D. Coastal lowland

E. Buttholes

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Q: What is an almost continuous line of urban settlements called?
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What are the names of the 3 names of settalment's?

The three types of human settlement are rural settlements, urban settlements, and suburban settlements. Rural settlements are small, dispersed communities in rural areas. Urban settlements are large, densely populated cities with significant economic and social infrastructure. Suburban settlements are residential areas located on the outskirts of urban centers.

What are four ways in which rural and urban settlements are interdependent?

The four ways in which rural and urban settlements interdependent are roadways, railways, waterways and airways

Classify settlements on the basis of size?

Settlements can be classified based on size as rural, urban, or suburban. Rural settlements are small and located in the countryside, while urban settlements are larger and more densely populated, usually with a variety of services and amenities. Suburban settlements are in between, typically found on the outskirts of cities and offering a mix of urban and rural characteristics.

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How did the UN Conference give awards for urban development projects that improved human settlements?

gave awards for urban development projects that improved human settlements

What does the word urban settlements mean?

it means foreign settlements... i think... don't take it for granted

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Why are Japanese urban areas good settlements?

Japanese urban areas are good settlements since they are fully developed. The infrastructure is in good shape but there is also the risk of congestion.

What are the Celts Settlements called?

Celtic settlements are called "oppida." These were fortified urban centers that served as political, economic, and religious hubs for the Celtic tribes. Oppida often featured intricate defensive structures and were important nodes in the network of Celtic societies.

Is it false that during their period of colonial domination the Spanish forced much of Mexico's amerindian population to relocate to urban settlements?

This statement is actually TRUE. They DID relocate the amerindians to urban settlements.

What is a sprawling populated area in which one city runs into another called?

That is typically called an urban sprawl, where there is continuous development and expansion of cities into surrounding areas, creating a seamless network of populated locations.

Different types of settlement?

There are several types of settlements, including rural settlements where people live in small numbers in the countryside, urban settlements where there is a large concentration of people in cities or towns, suburban settlements that lie on the outskirts of urban areas, and nomadic settlements where people move from place to place to find resources. Each type of settlement has unique characteristics and ways of life.