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right angle

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Q: What is an angle more than 90degrees called?
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What is a abtuce angle?

an obtuse angle is more than 90degrees and less than 180 degrees. this is call a reflex angle...

What type of angle measures 105 degrees?

It's an Obtuse angle because, Its higher than 90Degrees.

What acute angle mean?

any angle greater than 0 degrees but less than 90 degrees is called an acute angle

What is the name of a angle that is greater than 90degrees but less than 180degrees?


Is the acute angle and the right angle the same in measure?

Right angle is 90degrees acute angle is less than 90 degrees

If an angle measures more than 90degrees said to be an obtuse . What is the converse of this statement?

This statement is not strictly true because an obtuse angle is between 90 and 180 degrees.

What quadrilateral has more than one obtuse angle but no parallel?

A trapezoid can have these specifications. 90 degrees by 90 degrees by n degrees<90degrees by n degrees>90degrees. The total of the trapezoid's angles must be 360 degrees.

What is the difference between an qeuilateral triangle and a right angle trangle?

A right triangle has one angle that is always 90degrees. The other angles vary from less than 90degrees to greater than 0degrees. The equilateral triangle always has all of its angles equal to 60degrees.

What is an angle whose measure is greater than 90degrees?

are you talking about obtuse (91-179), a straight angle (180), or reflex (181-359)

An angle more than 180 is called?

A angle that measures more than 180 degrees is called a REFLEX ANGLE.

The sine of a 37 degree angle equals?

it is a acute angle because acute angles are less than 90degrees so basically the answer is............ 0.602

What is an angle more than 360 degrees called?

an angle more than 360 degrees is impossible