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An arithmetical set is a set of natural numbers which can be defined by a formula of first-order Peano arithmetic.

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Q: What is an arithmetical set?
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What allows to obtain a total average or other information about the numbers in a range?

Basic arithmetical operations.Basic arithmetical operations.Basic arithmetical operations.Basic arithmetical operations.

What is an arithmetical multiplier for converting a quantity expressed in one set of units into an equivalent expressed into another?

It is called a conversion factor.

What is the definition of conversion factor?

an arithmetical multiplier for converting a quantity expressed in one set of units into an equivalent expressed in another.

What does conversion factor mean?

It's an arithmetical multiplier for converting a quantity expressed in one set of units into an equivalent expressed in another.

What is an arithmetical multiplier for converting a quantity expressed in one set of units into an equivalent expressed in another?

It may be called a conversion factor.

What does the word conversion factor mean?

an arithmetical multiplier for converting a quantity expressed in one set of units into an equivalent expressed in another.

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Which type of processor performs arithmetical and logical operations?

The type that is appropriately called the "arithmetical and logical unit" (ALU).

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Arithmetical calculations.

An abacus is an instrument for what?

Arithmetical calculations.

Is maths and statistics similar?

Statistics is considered a branch of mathematics, and uses arithmetical and mathematical tools to analyse the data and present them in clear, meaningful ways. For example, the arithmetical mean of a set of N numbers - whatever those values represent - is(the sum of the numbers)/N;a straightforward addition "sum" followed by division.

The arithmetical average is another term for?

the mean